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Saskatchewan has issued 1,727 invitations so far in 2021

Saskatchewan held a new draw on February 25, inviting candidates to apply for a provincial nomination for Canadian permanent residence. The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) invited 299 candidates from the International Skilled Worker category. Only candidates who could be eligible for the SINP’s Express Entry subcategory were invited in this Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draw.

Candidates needed an Expression of Interest (EOI) score of at least 70 in order to be invited. They also needed work experience in one of the 70 in-demand occupations listed on the government web-page. Invited candidates had work experience in at least one of 70 in-demand occupations. Some of the eligible occupations include medical administrative assistants, retail and wholesale buyers, and geological engineers among others.

The SINP uses the EOI system to select the candidates that have the most potential to succeed in the regional labour market. Candidates need to demonstrate their commitment to settling in Saskatchewan by showcasing their work experience, education, language ability, age, and connections to the province. Saskatchewan gives candidates a score out of 100 according to the International Skilled Worker Points Assessment Grid. The highest-scoring candidates are then issued an invitation to apply for a provincial nomination from Saskatchewan.

As of November 2020, Saskatchewan started giving more EOI points to people who can speak both English and French.

Express Entry candidates who apply for and receive a provincial nomination from the province of Saskatchewan are awarded an additional 600 points toward their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. This award effectively guarantees that they will be invited to apply for permanent residence in a subsequent federal Express Entry draw. The same goes for any one of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs that are aligned with Express Entry.